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Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2024 - Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Patricia Ribault

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Ausklappen Einklappen Produkt-Design MA-Forschungs-Kolloquium... Master Colloquium 1 & 2 Prof. Dr. Patricia Ribault Donnerstag
10:00 - 11:30

MA-Forschungs-Kolloquium II
2 Credits

3 weitere Module aus Visuelle Kommunikation,
Textil- und Material-Design,

In the first phase of your Master (in Product Design, Visual Communication, art, Fashion or Textile Design), I will help you define your Master’s thesis topic and research questions, widening your perspectives and theoretical knowledge from different points of view.

You will be encouraged to explore your topic in an interdisciplinary way, to choose references, narratives and concepts from various fields of knowledge such as philosophy, literature, anthropology, ethology, art and design history, cultural studies, mythology, etc. You will learn to represent and organise your thoughts and ideas, to connect them to existing theories and to develop your own way to write, to find your own formats. You will also be encouraged to share your questions, findings and methods with other Master’s students from other disciplines, and this exchange of good practices will lead you to present and develop your argumentation in a broader cultural context.

The outcome of this first phase …

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Theorie und Geschichte Designtheorie Theorien zur Gestaltung / Theories on Gestaltung Prof. Dr. Patricia Ribault Dienstag
16:00 - 20:00

2 Credits

(English below…)

The course “Theories of Design” is taught by Prof. Dr. Jörg Petruschat and Prof. Dr. Patricia Ribault offered. We present our positions, which are not always identical, on the subject areas of perception, creativity, practices and gestures, techniques, materiality, experiments, making and doing, prototypes and models, hybrid constellations, culture, aesthetics, economics and politics. We address your questions and interests in these subject areas and also deepen them by reading authoritative source texts from other authors. The aim of the course is an enlightened understanding of the skills and mental models that are necessary to grasp realities in the arts and design and to rework them through one's own aesthetic commitment.

The course is aimed at students from all courses and years of study in art and design

At the end of the course there will be colloquia in which you will briefly present the topics and questions that accompanied you during …

Erster Termin
Hörsaal C1.05