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Vorlesungsverzeichnis Wintersemester 2024 / 2025 - Lehrende: Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne

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Ausklappen Einklappen Raumstrategien Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-... ATTUNING TO THE EARTH THROUGH TERRESTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Prof. Pauline Doutreluingne Dienstag
10:00 - 13:00

Modul I: Theorie-Praxis-Projekt I
10 Credits

5 weitere Module aus Raumstrategien

This course focuses on the production of artistic experiments driven by research in art and changing ecologies.

How can we listen more deeply to the adapting environment in which we live? How can we attune our senses to the earth we inhabit?

How can technology help us cross different perspectives and realities? How can we grasp the changing bodies we are becoming? And how can we better communicate with the world around us?

Our physiology - and perhaps our psyche - limits our ability to listen to our non-human kins and the world in which we live. Compared to many other species, humans are poor listeners. Below the lower end of human hearing is deep infrasound: the realm of thunder and tornadoes, elephants and whales. Many creatures can sense and communicate in infrasound, which travels easily over long distances, through air and water, earth and stone.

The deepest infrasound is produced by the planet …

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