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Vorlesungsverzeichnis Sommersemester 2024 - Lehrende: Elaine Bonavia

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Ausklappen Einklappen Textil- und Material-Design Digitale Werkzeuge - CAD... Digitale Werkzeuge CAD / CAM II - ( 3D Werkzeuge, 3D Printing ) Katrin Steiger, Elaine Bonavia Montag

Digitale Werkzeuge - CAD / CAM
2 Credits

CAD / CAM II - 3D Entwurf und Visualisierung (4. Sem.)

Beschreibung, genaue Termine und Zeiten des Kurses werden in Kürze von der Lehrperson ergänzt.

Description and exact dates of the course will be added by the teacher shortly.

Ausklappen Einklappen Textil- und Material-Design Entwurfsprojekt EMBODIED ARCHITECTURAL OBJECTS Elaine Bonavia Montag
09:30 - 17:00

18 Credits

EMBODIED ARCHITECTURAL OBJECTS: designing through materiality, movement, and technology

EMBODIED ARCHITECTURAL OBJECTS: Designing through Materiality, Movement, and Technology

In this project we examine the notion of making architectural objects at body scale. As designers, we’re situated in a world which urgently needs to become more conscious of material consumption. As climate change forges ahead, research into new methods of production and new philosophies of making are slowly developing. Our impulse to re-think conventions brings us to explore how merging spatial technologies with local biomaterials can create a vehicle for producing embodied and sustainable architectural objects with basketry techniques.

Elements of architecture will come into focus, surfaces we interact with on a daily basis, we will question our perception of architectural objects and how we relate with them. With machines, new materials and our own bodily capacities we will search possible future objects where “technologies ...(can) understood as always embodied technologies, and …

Erster Termin
Ausklappen Einklappen Textil- und Material-Design Soft Interactive Technol... Soft Interactive Technologies II : 4D Druck auf Textil Jessica Zmijan, Elisabeth Oestringer, Elaine Bonavia Montag
09:30 - 12:45

Soft Interactive Technologies
2 Credits


Building upon the foundational principles of 4D printing, this advanced course delves deeper into the intricacies of creating dynamic, shape-changing structures using additive manufacturing techniques. Textiles, with their innate capacity to store energy, form the cornerstone of our exploration into 4D printing principles. By leveraging this unique attribute, we unlock the potential to fabricate structures capable of undergoing transformative changes over time in response to external stimuli.

Throughout the course, our focus lies in advancing additive manufacturing methods, particularly through 3D printing, to manipulate textiles into 4D structures. The integration of a collaborative robotic arm into our approach enables students to gain practical experience in operating this technology.

Basic Material will initially be provided. Students will be asked to use their own material for the completion of this project.


- Prior experience in 3D printing

- Basic knowledge of Rhino3D (Grasshopper recommended)

- Familiarity with 4D printing concepts (preferred, but not mandatory)

Erster Termin
Roboterwerkstatt H0.06
Teilnehmer_innen Anzahl